Hi guys,
I’m just started. Who can tell me how to simply bend a geometry ? Let say I have a box how do I bend it and how do I have it with more faces in order for the bend to be smooth ?
Thank you
Hi guys,
I’m just started. Who can tell me how to simply bend a geometry ? Let say I have a box how do I bend it and how do I have it with more faces in order for the bend to be smooth ?
Thank you
Select a edge of the brush (e.g in the 4 window view) - go into the brush edit mode - click onto split - now you should have some extra vertices But I would recommend you to do that in your 3d program ^^
3D program ? hmmm don’t tell me that UE4 editor is not capable of bending geometry ? The only idea I have in mind is carving a cylinder but we were doing this in the very old time I thought 2014 would bring some fresh way to do custom geometry other than buying a $3000 program to bend primitives
It is 2014, and this is an engine - not a 3D modeling suite
Blender is free, and if you’re a student, Autodesk makes many of their programs readily available for free.
At the risk of disappointing you, Id have to tell you that UE4 editor is not capable of bending geometry. :eek:
This has not much to do with 2014, but more with the fact that geometry editing is not the focus of UE4.
UE4 is an engine that uses assets that you edit with external programs.
This is not only true for meshes. If I want to edit a texture, I need something like photoshop, or MSpaint.
Why doesnt the texture editor let me edit the graphic? Right. Because its not the focus of UE4.
The same way you need audacity or audition, etc, to edit sound files.
That is just the way it is.
Besides, any geometry editing capability would not be as “powerfull” as what 3d apps have to offer.
It would just bind development resources and distract from engine improvement.
What is good about the year 2014 though, you dont have to spend $3000 on a modeling software that does your bending.
Either get blender for free, or get a student version of 3dsmax, or maya, which are also free for 3 years.
If you can bend it, its not a primitive anymore
All right guys thank you for your kind clarifications. I must admit I thought UE4 Editor had several great things like that added over the years. I don’t mind having all under the same hood. It’s more productive than going from one program to another Exporting, importing and such but it’s the reality I guess and I’ll certainly live with it.
I mean if the editor offers primitives and even vertices, faces and edges manipulation what on earth it would take to give basic operation like bending or drawing with pencil and extrude which would be very productive for level designer. Level design must be production not non productive like having 2 or 3 programs running on the computer and going from one to another just to make a level. Think about it.
With the very talented programmers at Epic, it would be painless to add this feature in the 2D views so we can draw a form, and having Bezier lines with how many vertices we want for smoothing and once the form is completed a simple function to extrude it and voila we have a geometry with very little effort and we can do a lot more as a level designer. From what I saw with lots of other editors this kind of small feature is there. UE4 Editor needs it !
You can, to some extent, automate the (re)importing process.
Go to your editor settings. Under Loading&Saving you can specify auto reimport directories. The engine will keep an eye then on all assets stored there and reimports them when they change.
Meaning: As soon as you save in photoshop for example, the texture is reimported automatically.
I must admit though: I expierience a strange behavior when it comes to meshes. They just wont reimport automatically when the FBX changes…
In this case I have to click on reimport on the asset contect menu…
The context menu also gives you a shortcut for editing… If I choose “edit” on a texture for example, photoshop opens up and loads the file ready for editing.
Again, somehow this does not seem to work with meshes. In my, case, MAx3d doesnt open up.
In this case I dont really mind as I would not work with an reimpoted FBX in anyway (I would generate a new export from the original scene file).
Leave the painless stuff to the community I prefer seeing them apply their talents to the really painstaking stuff (engine core, lightmass, etc).
A perfect opportunity for you.
Download the engine source from GitHub.
Compile it. (With which I have a slight problem. 4.4 wont compile ).
and voila, you are at the starting point of implementing a brand new version of the geometry editing mode
The point is: There are more important things to do with the engine.
Or use blender for $0
I tried Blender, Oufff all these keyboard shortcuts and again it’s an external piece of software not needed when you think about what is already in UE4 Editor. Don’t get be wrong but it’s a very small enhancement to have for curve surfaces and geometry manipulation.
In the first 1-2 weeks it is pretty hard to learn blender, but after that it should run pretty well
But you have to keep in mind that the UE4 isn’t a modelling tool and bsp brushes will be normally replaced with static meshes during the development process. But you are still abel to bend a bsp:
(not perfect -> I havent edited the upper part, but for just some seconds of work it is acceptable)What other editors have advanced geometry editing tools like you are describing?
And, if it would be “painless” to add, why don’t you try doing it yourself? The full C++ code for the editor is available. If it is painless, you set it up and let us know how easy it was.
We’re already being provided with the best game engine ever. If you want a full 3D software suite to go with it for free, pick up Blender.
I didn’t say I’m talented and the request is very small. Anyway, I’ll use blender which of course doesn’t make any sense. It’s like being at home to cook something every day but each time you have to go to the grocery store to buy the needed product.
?v=ccNpyWtCVqE start looking at 10:20
Always makes me smile when someone doesn’t know how to do something, but they KNOW it’s easy and won’t take very long. Dunning-Kruger effect in action.
It’s like getting a AAA game engine for $20/month and being upset that it’s not designed to handle the work of other tools much more suited to the job of 3d modeling. One of which is available for free with dozens of tutorials as well as plugins to help it work more seamlessly with UE4.
There’s a difference between KNOWING and DOING one is free the other isn’t. I didn’t say I wasn’t able to do it but I don’t want to do the boat I want to be in it. My final words. God be with you !
Hammer 2(it’s basically Modo’s little brother) : ://community.thefoundry.co.uk/discussion/topic.aspx?f=83&t=91506
I do also feel advanced geometry editing tools should be apart of UE4 future, I guess I’ve been spoil by the new Hammer
@GearWorld, someone is working on a modeling plugin for UE4, I can’t find the link though.
I think epic games is already working on a bsp 2.0 system, but you can also vote for something like that on the roadmap: https://trello/b/gHooNW9I/ue4-roadmap
Yup its on their to-do list I hope it gets its own window(like the Material Editor), so it can have it own hotkeys. How hard would it be to mock up a Geometry Editor GUI using Slate?If I have some free time I’d like to do that.
What would be nice if one could integrate the UI of a modeling software into the editor windows, like having 3dsmax appearing as just another UE4 sub-editor of the mesh editor…
And photoshop fully integrated and dockable as texture editor.
It should be possible to fetch the window handle from the modelling application and parent that to an UE4 editor form?
That would give a much more integrated look and feel…
What would be nice if one could integrate the UI of a modeling software into the editor windows, like having 3dsmax appearing as just another UE4 sub-editor of the mesh editor…
And photoshop fully integrated and dockable as texture editor.
It should be possible to fetch the window handle from the modelling application and parent that to an UE4 editor form?
That would give a much more integrated look and feel…
What exactly would that accomplish beyond an inconsistent UI?