Close the behaviorTree window (or at least make sure it’s not open)
Start the game (simulation or PIE, doesn’t matter)
Do NOT pause the game
Open the BehaviorTree window. It will now work. You can also now pause the game if you like.
Steps to reproduce the bug:
Start UE4 (through VS2017 if it matters, using UE4.18.1)
Start the game
Pause the game
Open the Behavior tree. It will now bug (always be inactive and it will show “can’t find any matching actors”.
Updated note: Obviously for testing you need at least 1 character in the game with an AI controller that uses&runs a BehaviorTree (and possibly a BlackBoard as well). But I assumed this to be clear
Still occuring at 4.26.1. In my case the editor always showed that the tree was inactive, when in fact it is running. I proofed this by writing a custom log task and let the behaviour tree execute this task.Weirdly enough, this seems to only affect the behavour tree itself - the tasks and the AI controller are shown as active
4.26.1 and I have this issue now.
My AI class has a “Run Behavior Tree” BTAsset selected and it executes to a cast where I store a bunch of blackboard keys. I simulate run and the Behavior tree stays on inactive. Mind you, I have tons of stuff on this tree
I’ve been following this tutorial to learn about game modes and this is really halting my progress.
I found a workaround. The issue, in my case, arises when I use an abort policy of “Both” in a decorator prior to the Run Behavior node (strangely, Self and lower priority works just fine). So I just use two different decorators with one abort policy each.
This doesn’t work:
But this does:
A few hours lost on it. Hope that someone can get use of this finding.