Behavior tree task logic help

I’ve been trying to figure out how I would go about playing an animation montage using a behavior tree task.
As of now I have the character moving towards a certain location in the behavior and when he reaches that location a new task needs to be triggered playing an animation montage.
The montage will consist of 3 states, sitting down, sitting idle and standing back up. The task needs to loop the sitting part of the montage until it is time to stand back up again. Any advice on creating a task such as this inside the behavior tree?
Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Here are two links to behavior tree,( in case of)

For your anim montage, as all anims, use bool conditions like in charachter (passing from character bp to anim bp.

hey you an example of “For your anim montage, as all anims, use bool conditions like in charachter (passing from character bp to anim bp.”