Behavior Tree Task Cast to Children

Hi, I’m new to blueprints/scripting/gameplay in general; I’m an artist trying to make my own game, and I’ve been able to do a lot by following tutorials, docs and videos but haven’t found a solution to something I’d like to solve.

I have a parent Enemy Class that contains variables that its children inherit such as Damage, Health and so on. One of my variables is AttackDistance (default value 200) that I want to change for each child if they have different attack ranges. Right now my enemies are sharing a behavior tree with a task for Attacking the player. To do this I’m casting to my Enemy parent and getting its Attack Distance as a condition for attacking, but when I’m playing it looks like all my children characters are using the default value, and not their own modified value. What is a correct way to make sure this task is looking at the controlled pawn’s attack distance?