Behavior Tree Flow Setup Question (Beginner)

Hi, a couple of days ago I started to work with the Behavior Tree and I still struggle with some flow logic and some basic understanding of the system.

First of all, is “Decorator → Blackboard: KeyQuery - isSet/IsNotSet” equal to e.g. check a boolean for true (isSet) or false (IsNotSet) or am I misunderstanding it?

Now for the flow question.
Goal: AI should move to a random close by location, from there to another one, repeat.
Issue: AI moves there, stops. Gets a new location, starts moving to the next point. So you get a noticeable start/stop motion.
My idea of solution:
-Make a simple parallel that contains a service which checks if AI is close enough to the new location and set a boolean “CloseEnough”
From the parallel node I run the “move to” task as well as a selector with blackboard decorator that checks for the “CloseEnough” bool and if true I calculate a new location.
Issue with my solution:
It seems to work properly ingame but when observing the tree it looks like once he enters the bottom right corner it keeps firing it for a whole while even thogh I immediately set the boolean to false after calculating a new location.

Am I misunderstanding my flow setup? Did I mess up anything else?
New to the behavior tree so any feedback on this setup is appreciated!

Picture of my tree setup:


Did they remove Blackboard based Condition? I seen it in a video but it doesn’t seem to exist in 5.1