Behavior Tree exercises - any requests?

Hey all.

I’m an AI programmer by background, so I figured I’d take the AI tools in UE4 out for a spin. I don’t really have much of a plan for the kinds of characters I want to make right now (sitting on the fence with some game ideas). So I figure I’d ask in case I ever go to do a tutorial on how I created them or whatever (I might livestream some AI development at some stage perhaps). I might even make a commercial AI set of pre-scripted characters if marketplace ever opens up :wink:

Anyone got any particular AI behavior they’d like to see? I’m thinking broad strokes character stuff here.

Some ideas I have:

A thief who can stealthily navigate a world and a policeman that chases him once the thief secures an item.
A small squad of soldiers/police who can move in formation, find cover, fire at enemies etc.
A tank with driver/gunner
A Sentry gun
An “Elizabeth” style character that likes to investigate the world.
A delivery vehicle (one that can accept a route and get to a place by following a prescribed path/network)
A streetfighter (i.e. a melee combat character with special moves/combos)

Just asking out of curiosity more than anything. Will update when I’ve played some.

I’m interested in this. Here are some ideas:

  1. There have been some requests in threads for how to do AI and pathing for flying characters so I think that has an audience.

  2. I’m interested in seeing how you would do a companion character that doesn’t get in the way or get stuck following and can work without having to teleport to catch up.

Hello zoombapup,

I’m developing B.R.A.I.N.S:Behavior Tree AI Plugin powered by Kismet which is my final UDK Project. With that said, I cannot wait to dive into UE4 Behavior Trees. I believe Behavior Network Topologies (BNTs) are suitable for a variety of applications, as they can scale upwards or downwards with relative ease, both functionally and visually. For reference, I consider Friend/Enemy Bot AI in the middle-of-the-scale application of BNTs. A low scale application of BNTs could be using them to manage Weapon behaviors and other Interactive Entities that can make use of traditional FSM. A large scale application of BNTs could be the application of Behavior Networks to manage Procedural Level Construction and Dynamic Quest Behavior (Quest Branching). I have all sorts of plans for BNTs, so Im very interested in your research.

What are BNTs? In developing BRAINS using Kismet, I started to see other Topologies form. I now refer to Behavioral Trees as Behavioral Network Topology (BNTs) and its only particular to how the Kismet/Blueprint activation mechanism works, which in itself is operates like a system of simple synapses.

Using your own terminology is a very risky thing . Its not like BT’s are one specific layout (other than being a tree), I’ve used all sorts of different topologies in my BT work, but I’d call them BT’s as a shorthand for tree-based AI structures in general.

Ultimately I might actually refactor a BT editor for Unreal using a treeview style layout rather than the (slightly clunky imho) blueprint style node graph, but for now playing with the BT implementation as it is will be fine. Let us know how you get on!

I would be interested in creating a “Bus” type of vehicle that picks up players and transports them to a series of destinations. If you have played the new game “FireFall” then think of those flying transport ships traveling between cities locations. That’s what I would like to do.