Beginoverlap doesn't work

I’m making a cinematic scene between 2 different levels, the first, you’re in a plane, and the second you jump out without a parachute and fall on your face.

What I’m trying to set up inside the first level (with the plane), is you walk up to the door, and the captain asks if you’re ready, to which you have a yes or no decision, and I’ve attempted to create this like so:

A capsule set to display widget blueprint (yes, “Add to Viewport” is also there) upon overlap. (This capsule is in front of the door area)

A capsule attached to the player which if it should overlap with the first capsule, should cause the widget to appear onscreen.

However, no matter how much I resize and reposition the capsules on both characters, nothing happens and there are no signs of anything happening. (I also tried this with quitting the game upon overlap so it’s clear that this just isn’t working.)


alt text

(Sorry no pictures of capsule)

ok first try adding in some print strings to see where things fail. also just after the begin overlap you should cast to the player character so that it is the only thing that will trigger the overlap. another thing to note, when posting screenshots try to make a little space between your nodes. the way you have the nodes right now is really hard to read since they are on top of one another so to speak and we cant see the connections.

A couple things,

1st, this is going to sound like a stupid question I know, but where do you cast the character from? The overlapping component or the exec?

2nd, even more of an idiotic question (questioning my intelligence is justified at this point), when setting up a print string, am I supposed to connect something to the second exec or anything? Because I set it to print “Hello” and nothing showed up on screen, anywhere.

i dont have unreal open atm so i cant make a picture but ill try to explain it. drag off the exe pin on the begin overlap node and search for a cast there (cast to thirdpersoncharacterbp or something like that whatever your character type is). then attach the other actor pin to the cast as well. this will result in the scripting beyond the cast to only fire when it is the player character that overlaps eliminating other things triggering your script.

for the second part of your question i dont know what you mean by second exec. if you mean the output on the print string node then yea you can if you want. basically many of us use print strings to see whats being fired to make sure the script is progressing how its meant to. so for instance if you connected a print string node to the begin overlap then whenever something overlapped it the print would fire and you would see hello printed in the top left of your viewport.

You explained just fine. So I dragged the exec pin on the begin overlap and casted to my player character (it’s name is player) and attached the “other actor” pin to the object type like you said,
but here’s what’s more confusing, I set two print string for if the cast worked or failed, failed it printed “Failure” and succeeded it printed “Success” and nothing showed up anywhere.
I’ve restarted UE4 countless times, nothing is changing. It’s startin to worry me.

I can’t say for certain as I still have a ton to learn, but isn’t this just a case of not setting the owning player on the create widget?

I guess we’re on the same page then, but I think that might be it!
My player character’s name is Player, so how to I set that as the owning player? Casting to it doesn’t work.

Scratch that, I figured out that doesn’t work. That isn’t the problem, unfortunately.

if you select your capsule collision and look in the collision section of the details panel is generate overlap events checked? also what are your collision settings on the capsule

Er, you’re trying to use capsule component to do the overlap events?
You’ll need to change it’s collision type for that.
I didn’t notice you weren’t using an actual collision component previously. The capsule isn’t defined to create overlap events by default. You’ll need to change it in it’s settings if you still want you use it.

Yeah, it needs to be overlap. Currently it overlaps with nothing because it’s set to block instead of overlap. So you’re not getting any responses to trigger your overlap event. At least I think that’s whats causing it.

thats the case with the built in capsule on characters. its collision is set to block all.

try setting your collision to overlap all dynamic

It is checked, and my collision settings are set to No Collision.

My player’s collision or the other capsule? If I set my player to Overlap all dynamic I fall through the floor but when I set the ExitCapsule to Overlap all dynamic and connect a print string nothing happens still.

instead of using a capsule on your exit actor try using a box collision you add instead for testing purposes. there could be other factors involved here. did you add the capsule your using on the exitbp or was it part of a character. by using a manually added box collision it should negate these issues and be working from a clean slate.

I created an empty character for the exitbp.

Hey, so I set up a print string for it after doing what you said and I actually got it to work.
I finally got it to work.
What a sigh of relief.
Thanks for all the help you gave me. Appreciate it. :wink:

is it all working now?

It is. Thanks a lot.

Okay man, I am unbelievably sorry to have to bother you again.

I changed nothing in the code, nothing whatsoever and haven’t even touched the level using the capsule for days, decided to test it out and the whole collision thing didn’t work anymore. GOE was checked, all was set to static and NoCollision. I’m not a happy camper :slight_smile:

Uh… any more advice?