Hi, I am a Nuke Compositor, I want to learn Unreal, but I don’t have any idea how to start it. I am more aiming to photorealistic creation. I searched online, but it seems like most of the tutorials are more toward to game side rather than movies. Does anyone know if there is any tutorials for beginners, and tutorials that is more for film, and creating realistic work? Thank you.
A few suggestions:
Unreal is a game engine and a very wide and deep application.
To make films you’ll likely want to build landscapes, light, animate characters, etc same as game developers. In addition, you’ll want to learn about Sequencer and Movie Render Queue.
Start with the basics: Here’s a very good tutorial series free on Youtube to get the basics covered.
EPic also has an entire Learning library on its site.
In Content Library they have Beginners list of videos including Intro to Unreal, Intro to Editor, etc>
They also have a Film and TV section listing some of the next steps.
There are also some Youtubers covering making videos.
This on has a couple of classes (int4ro to Filmmaking with Unreal and a 3nd one on metahuman filmmaking) I haven’t see the lessons but his Youtube is pretty decent.
Thank you SO MUCH!!!