I made a simple widget for my main menu that has a start game button, and two other buttons that aren’t currently in use but will be made into the options menu and weapon upgrade menu in my game. without touching anything, when i open the editor i see that at the top right corner of the window theres “Objs: 35,000” near the memory use and the frames per seconds. after i open the widget blueprint it jumps all the way to like 100,000 and just keeps rising at a rate of about 300 per second. what could be the reason for this? is this a common issue?
I think you’ve coded it somehow.
I’d lay money on Tick…
this is my set-up for the blueprint. even if i delete all of these, it still causes the jump in objs as soon as i open the blueprint. theres no on-tick events at all.
But when you click the button, it loads a new level, and everything is ok?
just tried two times in a row, one time pressing the button to load the new level made the objs jump all the way to 120k, and on the second try it stayed at 90k. when i stopped playing, the objs kept rising though, from 90k to 99k. it seems so random…
I never pay any attention to that object count, actually.
The object count in the world outliner, yes, that matters.
Do you happen to know what is the purpose of that number? what does it represent and how does it affect me as an editor? also what is the difference between that number and the object count in the world outliner?
The world outliner number is the ACTUAL number of objects you have.
I have clue what the status bar number is ( IE, it probably doesn’t matter ).
I’ve always thought it’s the total number or whatever instances the engine creates to function. I mean EVERYTHING; just slate alone running the UE interface consists of thousands of objects alone…
The editor is made out of smaller editors, not all of them are running simultaneously. Thanks to that modularity you will be seeing the number of objects go up and down as objects take up memory and release it, too. When you finally detach your project from the editor by packaging it, you’re not taking those spare object with you. One of the reasons the editor can run quite a bit slower than the final product.
The outliner shows what you yourself have instantiated. There’s more to it, ofc. If you ever feel like diving deeper:
Anyway, 100k are rookie numbers.