Beginner question about units of measure

Hello everyone,

We are modeling architectural buildings in Revit or ships in Rhino. Units that we use in Revit and Rhino are usually millimeters. We use Datasmith for exporting. Is there any particular setup that we should do in Unreal Engine before importing the model that was measured in millimeters?


In UE world units are centimeters. Optimally you’d configure external software to either work in centimers or export to centimeters so that your source data is correct. Can’t tell how this is done with Revit, Rhino or Datasmith, I configured Blender.

From the Datasmith documentation:

About the Datasmith Import Process | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation

If you use a different unit of measurement in your source application, Datasmith automatically takes care of adjusting the scale of your scene so that your geometry appears at exactly the same real-world size in the Unreal Engine, and at the right locations in 3D space. You don't have to change anything about the way you work in your source application.

They also officially support Revit and Rhino 3D so if that information is correct it should just work.
