I’m trying to create a map where I will randomly generate a course on which my character will go on, something like an endless runner. However my game mode and my main floor tile decompile each other and therefore the game isn’t playable. On the main floor tile I attached an arrow which is called AttachPoint and my idea was to have a function which will tell the engine where the arrow was at every moment so that it knows where to put the next tile.
I did a little research and I believe that an infinite loop is created in either game mode or in the floor tile blueprint and therefore an error pops up every time I try to play the game.
As the title says, I’m new to all this and could really use some help.Do you have any idea what the problem is and how to solve it? Thanks in advance!! P.S. FloorTiles array consists of (0:BP_MainFloorTile; 1:Bp_MainFloorTile_Short) alt text