Beginner Programmer looking for a book tutorial for C++ in UE4

Hey everybody! o/

I am brand new to the world of Game Development and thought I would start with Unreal Engine 4, so I have bought UE4, but I have no idea where to start (programming wise).

I am a better learner when it comes to a book or written lesson as I can re-read over something if I did not understand it, unlike videos where it is a pain in the butt to keep up with the video/go back if you missed something.

Anything for someone who has NO and I repeat NO experience with programming.

Cheers guys!

UE4 is a massive piece of software. It’s also new and the book publishers haven’t caught up with it yet. Any books that come out soon will probably be aimed at the experienced programmer.

I would suggest you start with a good intro to C++ book like Beginning C++ through Game Programming (this is the 4th edition which just came out, the third edition got excellent reviews).

You should also look at Blueprint, it’s designed for people with no programming experience to get up to speed and build games.

If you aren’t looking to pay any money on programming books or lessons then let me provide you a series of videos(playlist) that seems to be pretty popular for new programmers.

I hear it’s pretty decent. Might be worth your time to just give it a shot.

Thanks! That is perfect! Yeah I knew there wouldn’t be any books out, but this will do perfectly, thanks again for your help!