Hello forum.
I have exported a Fox asset to Blender to make some minor cosmetic changes. I have researched this forum and learned how to reimport it and use all the preset animations.
by retargeting the skeleton/bones. One thing I am not able to do however, is access the curves to make changes to the size of legs/eyes/cheeks etc.
Any help/advice is very much appreciated.
Hey @captainsharp!
A quick question to get things started, are you talking about animation curves as in animation sequences or specifically morph targets? Can you share a bit more information of what you are trying to accomplish?
Any additional information you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!
Thanks for your reply
Sorry, I’m very new to all of this - hope I can explain myself.
There are about 100 pre-set animations that come with the Fox, some of which I want to use to do some filming in UE5. I can change the shape of parts of the fox using curves (changes to leg thickness, large/smaller eyes, bigger tail etc - I change the curves and record new animations). Image attached.
My problem - I want to change the look of the fox, a smoother skin. (image attached) so I took the fox into blender and made the changes. Upon import, I can now use the new ‘smooth’ fox with animations, but there is no option to change the curves.
Hope this helps.
Hey @captainsharp!
Looks like the model you had, from the marketplace I presume, already had preset morph targets that were built in to the mesh. When you exported that model and altered it those morph targets were lost. While it is unfortunate, you will have to make them again yourself in your modeling program or use the original.
I hope the above is the answer you were looking for.
thanks again so much for the advice.
The original fox is too angular I just wanted to make it look a little smoother, a little more cute looking. I didn’t see an option to do this to a skeletal mesh in UE5.
Is there a youtube tutorial how to re-create morph targets? That would be a great help. I totally don’t mind learning, I just I don’t have a starting point.
Hey @captainsharp!
There is actually a live training Epic has released just to help get people started with Morph Targets:
I hope the above is the solution you need!
great - thank you so much
Thanks again for all your advice. I do think I have found a solution here: