[Beginner] Is re-compile of engine normal when adding character class?

Hi, I am following this tutorial: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

And I have just done the bit about adding a character overiding BeginPlay() and hit build button and now my IDE is rebuilding the engine, about 75 out of 183 modules as I type this.

Is this normal? Should this take 10 minutes to add this code?

void AFPSCharacter::BeginPlay()

  if (GEngine)
        GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Blue, TEXT("We are using FPSCharacter!"));


Seems so. I had a topic asking if it’s possible to compile the engine separately to cut down on build times, but haven’t been answered yet.

Usually it will only compile the engine if something within it has changed. On the first build though it can take a while, after that it should just recompile your project and link things together. Generally I’ve found it goes a lot faster using the pre-compiled binaries from EPIC, rather than building from source as it doesn’t have to check the engine code.

Also keep in mind that this build has to occur when you run the engine / your game in a different configuration. If you run DebugGame Editor for the first time, having only run in Development Editor in the past, it now needs to compile with the new configuration/settings.

I tend to hit “Clean” to avoid any bottle necks. Will that rebuild the engine?

It’s definitely possible. Are you cleaning the entire solution (UE4 included) or just the game project? The former will require some rebuilding, I imagine.

D’oh… I feel like a goof. Though to be fair, VC tends to do that regardless of what I pick when I do non-UE4 projects it seems.