Beginner in need of help with a few different interacting systems.

Hey ya’ll. So my issue is that while crouching if I press my sprint key it drains my stamina. I fix it then it drains while I’m standing still and I get infinite stamina by releasing forward, so it stops draining but then moving forward again no longer drains it. I’m going crazy trying to figure this out. I fix one thing which breaks another. Hope this is the correct place to ask this. I’d appreciate any extra advice as well. Thanks for your time.

Hey @Derokk88! Welcome to the forums!

Let’s fix this with a simple Custom Event!

So first, you’ll right click and search “New Custom Event”.

Name it “Sprint: Sneak Cancel”.

Now plug that in here (Keep your original input from B as well):

Next, you’ll CALL that event. So right click and search “Call Sprint: SneakCancel”.


Now, it will make you stop sneaking if you press the sprint button, you will then activate sprint and everything should behave as normal, typical of what you’d see in most games with sprint and sneak functions :slight_smile:


Thank you so much. I did end up getting it working, of course an hour after posting after 2 days of pulling my hair out lol, by adding an OR boolean Like so;

Do you think thats okay or is your fix perferable? Just not sure on best practices.

Also I had another Issue I hope to get some help on but forgot to include in the post.
I have stamina drain when jumping which works okay but it continuosly drains if I hold jump as opposed to just hitting it. Here is all the relevent code I believe;

Thank you so much for your help and taking the time!!!