Begin Play Does not Fire on any Blue Print. Please Help!

Everything was working last night… no issues, then today I go to test play in editor and it does not work.
I can get it to print string on Tick in the Game mode, not on begin play. Also the level blueprint begin play is not called at all, in addition to tick. Tick is not called at all unless I check allow tick before begin play. Tick will work then but not begin play. I have confirmed the same effect on all blueprints in this project. I am unable to replicate this issue in other projects, however I cloned my project and the issue still occurs in the clone.

I am hoping I am missing some project setting I mistakenly checked or something… please help, was hoping to package tomorrow for a demo for friends and family out of state. Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Have you tried deleting Binaries/Build/Saved/Intermediate?

Can you send some screenshot

I can’t send in a screenshot right now I will tonight after I get off work. In the meantime do I just delete the binaries and all the save data from the Explorer or how do I go about doing that? Because I was thinking it was something like that I was hoping cloning the project would have the same effect and it did not.

Sorry for no screen shot. I have got it working again but still have no idea what cuase the problem. I had a custom game mode child of base game mode. If this mode was active no begin play would fire, so I created a blank game mode and activated it. The begin plays began working. Tried copy and pasting the nodes into the the new BP but that cuase the same error, even if it was a single node such as print string. So I manualy recreated it and re targeted all the refrences to it from the old. This seems to work, but still have no idea why it happened. Thank you for your help tho.

Sorry for no screen shot. I have got it working again but still have no idea what cuase the problem. I had a custom game mode child of base game mode. If this mode was active no begin play would fire, so I created a blank game mode and activated it. The begin plays began working. Tried copy and pasting the nodes into the the new BP but that cuase the same error, even if it was a single node such as print string. So I manualy recreated it and re targeted all the refrences to it from the old. This seems to work, but still have no idea why it happened. Thank you for your help tho.