Begin overlap event does not fire

I am having an with the begin overlap event.
I guess, there is a problem in the hierarchy, but not sure.

I am developing a breakout-like game with real physics. So there is a ball, which is moving around, hitting obstacles and destroy them.
That works fine so far.

But now, I am working on an extra, that prevents the hit event, so that the ball keeps rolling in the same direction without being reflected.
My idea was to make a sphere around the ball, which fires a overlap event, that destroys the obstacles before the real ball can hit it.

Unfortunately that doesn’t work. I don’t know, what I am doing wrong, so I hope for a little help.
Please have a look at the images.

Img1: The settings of the ball, that works fine
Img2: The settings of the sphere, that has no effect
Img2b: The settings of the obstacle
Img3: The blueprint of the ball-actor
Img4: The blueprint of the obstacle actor
Img5: Overlap has no effect

Thank you


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