Begin/End overlap issue

I figured out a work around for the begin/end loop. If you place a retriggerable delay in your OnBeginOverlap event with a suitable delay (for my purposes .5s was more than enough and I could probably go smaller), the nodes after will only be activated once the overlap stops. This way you can use the onBeginOverlap node to trigger events for both beginning and ending overlap. For example, I’m trying to count collisions of my player in the environment but the begin/end overlap was actually counting ticks of overlap. This is what I changed it to:

beginOverlap triggers and changes the visibility of my collision notification
then the retriggerable delay resets each time the onBeginOverlap triggers (i.e. each tick) pausing the code there
once I am no longer colliding, the delay can finish. At which point I increase the collision count by 1 and change the collision notification hidden.

The only downside of this is if the process occurs such that the game ends before the delay can finish, im not sure than the collision counter will increment so ill technically be off by 1. I havent verified that but that is what I suspect