Begin/End overlap issue

Has this been fixed, and if so, what is the oldest version of the engine which contains the fix?

Hi ,

After research and testing, this bug has been marked as “Won’t Fix”. The only known solution is to utilize smaller trigger volumes, instead of one much larger volume.

hey, this is old thread but this happens when using box collision in blueprints, i changed box collision to sphere and its working fine. there is something with edges/corners with box collision that its bugging the overlap stuff.

edit: just realised op was using trigger volumes, but sphere trigger volumes could fix this problem, theres only box shape atm

Still happens once in a while, 2 sphere collisions, relatively same size, 100 uu to 10 uu, and i get this multiple begin/end overlaps events problem. pretty annoying when you actualy trying to solve projectile spawning for physics bodies with end overlap event…

This issue still exists in 4.17 and 4.18 and is very annoying. It exists only on client when using with dedicated server. In Standalone project and on server everything is fine. Only autonomous client is bugged.
I am not using big sized volumes. Just normal sized. Tested on clean project also.
The reason for it is: When character exits volume exit/enter overlap events are triggered multiple times while capsule is on the edge.
On the screenshot you can see what happens when enter and exit such volume. Server everything alright - Client not.


I am also seeing this on 4.17. Can confirm the bug happens when using dedicated server PIE

still persist in 4.26

And people thought Unity was bad with 10 years old issues, ha.

I figured out a work around for the begin/end loop. If you place a retriggerable delay in your OnBeginOverlap event with a suitable delay (for my purposes .5s was more than enough and I could probably go smaller), the nodes after will only be activated once the overlap stops. This way you can use the onBeginOverlap node to trigger events for both beginning and ending overlap. For example, I’m trying to count collisions of my player in the environment but the begin/end overlap was actually counting ticks of overlap. This is what I changed it to:

beginOverlap triggers and changes the visibility of my collision notification
then the retriggerable delay resets each time the onBeginOverlap triggers (i.e. each tick) pausing the code there
once I am no longer colliding, the delay can finish. At which point I increase the collision count by 1 and change the collision notification hidden.

The only downside of this is if the process occurs such that the game ends before the delay can finish, im not sure than the collision counter will increment so ill technically be off by 1. I havent verified that but that is what I suspect