<begin draw canvas to render target> creating a texture on each iteration


i am using [begin draw canvas to render target] to write to a render target
previously i created the render target via the blueprint but this time i used a render target i created manually
i see it is creating a texture in file / content directory each time i am running [begin draw canvas to render target]
i do this frequently in my blueprint to update the render target

will i not run into memory problems this way if it is going to create a different texture file each time?
is this only because i created the render target manually and not from within the blueprint?
will it also create texture files if i create the render target via the blueprint instead?


i seems it is because i have been using

render target create static texture

is there a way to specify render target create static texture must simply overwrite the previous and not create a new?

after checking again and playing around with it , it is no longer creating the texture files
and i do not know why or how it created in the first place
bit of a pity it helped my debugging

not sure whether a render target will keep a cache or something on disk
or whether a material that is fed a render target will keep a cache
or applying a material to an object will spawn a texture in file
only thing i can think of why the textures were created