Hi everyone! here I am again to learn something new from you guys
I am now trying to create a tamagochi style touch interface. I am at the very early testing, so I created this simple node tree. The idea is that the idle animation start from the beginning, and every time I click or touch my character the eating animation will start and after this, back to idle.
&stc=1&d=1436357045More or less it works, but I have a couple of issues I wasn’t able to fix so far.
As you can see I added a delay after the eating animation because without it the animation wouldn’t play. I think it was jumping immediately to the end of the nodes branch. This works, but if for example I click more than once while the eating animation is playing I think the delay is not reset and so the animation is terminated prematurely. Is there a more elegant way to do this? For example some node to say to wait to go to the next animation until one loop of the previous animation is completed?
With this node setup if I click and don’t let go my character freeze and stay like that until I keep “clicked”. Is there a way to avoid this? For example if I just click and keep clicked nothing happen and the idle animation just keep playing. When I release the whole thing start.
Thanks a lot for any help!