Hello, ive got my death and respawn up and running, and now i wanna spice it up with ragdolling/Death animation.
Ive used this as my Char and Game bluprints
Ive added a Delay before destroy for my ragdoll or animation to take place, but getting that in, i dont know where to start, did some googleing but couldt find anything (Its been a long morning so i could overlooked somthing)
Ive watched this, but he spawns a ragdoll not connected to his player char. I just want my char to ragdoll on death, I saw this one and tried to mess around with it, but couldt make it fit my blueprint without getting er
Tried to tie that into my CharBluePrint, but the ragdolling is not happening, this is how i did it, can you tell me where i am making the stupid mistake?
One other thing I did when trying to figure mine out - was I bound the ragdoll stuff to a key in the level blueprint
so I’d start the game - hit ‘G’ and then the character would ragdoll (after I got it wired up correctly) - beats having to go find somewhere to die while testing
have you tried to debug and watch the wires? maybe “Cast To My Character” is failing? - another thing I did (and do) is wire a “PrintString” to the cast failed wire and print to the screen some debugging message for myself
Here’s a question - is this a First Person Shooter? the FPS template only comes with arms for a character mesh anyway so these things may not work right - the arms may just fall to the ground and leave the camera where it is or something
Its a sidescroller, i am using the “Sidescroller Template”
The CastToChar is not failing, tested with a “Failed” print on the failed node and a “Sucess” print on the “Exex” node and it does fire.
Watched the Debug and the “White exec” line is firing all the way through