Begginer Animation

Hello how to ensure that the upper body is blocked and does not suffer from the movement of the lower body ??

Hey @camerone95!

Here, in the documentation, it will walk you through how to do this. I think you can start at step 4 and set up the bone blending!

Let us know if you need any more assistance with this, or if you get it figured out let us know how you did it! :slight_smile:

hello and thank you for the link I think I expressed myself badly. I managed to mix my two animations only I would like the upper body to be freeze/static , because the lower body with the hips and legs gives the swinging movement of the arms and hands while I would like it to remain locked in their position, in my case it holds a flashlight and an axe and when I runs the axe and the flashlight swings from left to right.

No worries!

You can use this information here for that as well!

You can’t freeze an animation, as you’re suggesting, so much as give it a second animation that doesn’t move much, such as idle. You should use a spine bone, and use either a high or low weight, try both, I don’t remember which to use in this case. Everything before that bone will be animation A, and anything further than that bone will be animation B (remember, it all moves out from the pelvis).

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