Beam Emitter & Spline Tangents

So, i’ve got a Beam emitter with 50 Beam Points configured, Source and Target (Point and Tangent) are set to “User Set”, source and target strength both set to “1”.

Now i also have a spline in my level. I spawn the Emitter once, then loop through the Spline Points and do “Set Beam Source Point”, “Set Beam Source Tangent” with the according Source index numbers from my loop (and of course the same for the Target properties).

Effect is, that the Points are all correctly set, but the tangents are seemingly ignored, since instead of that nice smooth curves like on the spline itself, from the beam emitter i just get straight lines from point to point without any curvatures.

Is this something that should work actually?



Of course, in the Beam emitter i need to set “Interpolation points” to something > 0 or else there wont be any curves…