I have a basic beacon working. But I’m unable to get it to pass data from the server back to the client in response to a query. Everything is executing, but the returned data is always blank (zeros). What am I doing wrong?
-------------------------------------------- .h --------------------------
/** test data to send in reply **/
struct FServerDataReply
// The Server’s name
int32 Name;
// The Server IP Address
int32 IP;
class MTGAME_API AWFServerBeaconClient : public AOnlineBeaconClient
UFUNCTION(client, reliable)
virtual void ClientPing(FServerDataReply ReplyData);
UFUNCTION(server, reliable, WithValidation)
virtual void ServerPong();
--------------------------------------------------.cpp ---------------------------------------
/** ServerPong rpc implementation **/
void AWFServerBeaconClient::ServerPong_Implementation()
UE_LOG(FBeaconLog, Log, TEXT(“Pong RPC Called”));
//Send ping rpc back to client
FServerDataReply ReplyData;
ReplyData.IP = 111;
ReplyData.Name = 222;
/** The rpc client ping implementation */
void AWFServerBeaconClient::ClientPing_Implementation(FServerDataReply ReplyData)
UE_LOG(FBeaconLog, Log, TEXT(“ClientPing_Implementation:: Ping RPC Called”));
UE_LOG(FBeaconLog, Log, TEXT(“1: %i”), ReplyData.IP);
UE_LOG(FBeaconLog, Log, TEXT(“2: %i”), ReplyData.Name);