Beach House Garden “Better Light Than Never”
Student Submission: Yes
Hi all!
I am pleased to present you a short snippet from my Living Room and Garden Learning Project for the “Better Light Than Never” from Unreal challenge.
I did 3ds max modeling to create this project. All the settings, textures, materials, lights, camera animations etc I did in Unreal Engine 4.26 and final editing in After Effects.
Thank you for watching!
May I ask how the glass is rendered so realistic
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I used two types of materials in UE. For the edges and for the front faces for the glasses. For the geometry, I created two id. Thank you!
Thank you my friend! nice to see you here 
Are they both plain glass material? You must have cast some magic on them
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Greetings @MaximVasiliev !
Your Beach House Garden project is gorgeous! The reflections are reflecting and the natural light softly illuminates a portion of your open plan room. The lighting within the garden enclosure coming from the skylight is illustrious! Great choice of plants to provide so much diversity of light and shadow!
I agree, your glass material is remarkable! I have yet to see anything comparable. Amazing job! Is ArchViz what you are currently studying?
Thank you so much for such a wonderful review
It inspires me! I am in the process of creating worlds for virtual reality. I am very much absorbed in this VR topic. Come to my artstation page! ArtStation - Maxim Vasiliev
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