Batman Arkham Knight

This is totally off topic so I hope this is the right section. has anyone noticed how badly programmed that game is? seriously it’s got a massive list of gameplay bugs, here are just a few.

homing barrels thrown by enemies that seem to change direction mid air in order to hit you. ( this should not happen it looks bloody ridiculous)

not being able to counter a barrel whilst doing a flying kick through the air. ( this one is kinda so-so, but you shouldn’t have to take a barrel to the face just because the game won’t let you counter)

batman firing his grapple gun in the complete opposite direction to any enemies. ( rubbish lock on, has to be the worst lock on system I’ve ever seen, even noobs at unreal engine are better than that)

enemies that begin to attack you then stop when you press counter which drops your combo instantly. ( a major oversight)

batman punching thin air even though there are loads of enemies on screen. ( rubbish lock on, cmon a lock on system is so bloody easy, how the hell did they mess it up so badly?)

batman always locking onto and trying to punch every enemy possible that can’t actually be hit, such as brutes, shield bearers and shock stick guys. ( why didn’t they use a lock on priority system?)

shield guys, shock stick guys and brutes moving impossibly fast. ( those guys sneak up behind you and almost hit you instantaneously as the same time their icon flashes up, makes batman look slow in comparison.)

when doing blade dodges or takedowns, it is possible to initiate it even if the enemy doing the attack is almost half a screen away, ends up with batman and the enemy sliding across the floor towards each other ( looks bloody stupid )

the worst camera system I have ever seen in my whole life ( I know its trying to be cinematic and stuff, but its stupid as hell, it rotates all over the place barely ever keeping the action on screen or spins round like a maniac only to reveal your imminent doom. why don’tgame developers understand that what gamers want in those kind of games is a camera that is always behind your character, that is the best kind of camera system you can have, all that crazy spinning around just wrecks my head and it doesn’t work.)

batman will occasionally drop his combo for no reason at all ( you will be left wondering what the hell happened).

this is totally unacceptable for a AAA game. even noob programmers can do better than that. did their lead programmer even go to college? its ridiculous for a game that’s all about precise combos that last for 5 minutes plus like some kind of piece of piano music to be so badly programmed, most of those bugs listed above will instantly drop your combo resulting in an absolutely pathetic score, which brings me to another point the scoring system seems to be all over the place too. Ok I will give it credit where its due, the graphics are amazing and the story is fairly ok and there is actually tons of stuff to do outside of combat. but cmon, combat is the main reason anyone would play this game and its totally broken. now you make think, he’s just annoyed because he’s ****. and i’m not saying i’m the best gamer in the world, but I did manage to break the top 500 on the high interest map despite all the bugs. I was in the top 500 in nearly all the maps on Arkham city and i’m 60 something in the world at dmc vergils bloody palace hardcore mode.

which brings me to another point. ninja theory are an amazingly talented team of developers who never get any credit for all the amazing games they made. everyone hated on dmc because of his bloody hair colour. what a bunch of bloody whiners. dmc is one of the best games I have ever played in my life in regards combat, much better than those lame attempts by crapcom look at devil may cry 4 how can you say that is better than dmc, what a load of rubbish, you obviously don’t play games. they recycled the entire bloody game and had you backtrack through the whole thing, not to mention the level design was absolutely bland and terrible, totally uninspired. devil may cry 3 was good i’ll admit it. but I would place dmc even higher than that game. the combat is excellent. and i’m so annoyed that we will probably never get a sequel because a bunch of whiners didn’t like the colour of dantes hair. I mean cmon seriously does hair colour really matter at the end of the day? gameplay is king you idiots. and then after the game came out and they all found out that his hair changed colour by the end ( something I guessed was gonna happen before it was even released ) they all changed their tune and started waffling on about how the framerate is low and the weapons couldn’t be used on every enemy and blah blah blah. then they got their wish again with the special edition. ninja theory made it so that every weapon could hit every enemy ( which completely ruins the game people, just because your rubbish don’t ruin the game for everyone else ) and added turbo mode ( which admittedly is very cool ). I mean these people waffle on as though the original devil may cry game was so bloody amazing, listen you idiots, get into the top 100 of dmc if you can and then tell me i’m wrong, tell me it isn’t a better game, cmon if your so bloody good at games, you whinged and cried and got your way all the bloody time, I wish ninja theory didn’t pay any attention to you and if you were a real gamer you would have loved it. your just rubbish at games and a little whiner who complains all the bloody time until you get what you want and I wish game developers would stop listening to idiots like you who know absolutely nothing about good game design. Dmc is one of the best games ever made, heavenly sword was brilliant, even odyssey to the west was pretty good. ninja theory are one of the best developers I have ever seen, but they get absolutely no credit at all. what the hell is wrong with people? why do they prefer badly programmed games about stupid men dressed up as bats that are programmed terribly or the colour of a characters hair. I will never understand people like that. and thanks to you we will never get a dmc 2, which is your fault, you bloody whiners you got your way again.

hopefully the paragraphs are laid out good enough for you, you whinger.

LOL wall of text critically hit me for 1337 damage.

If you want to complain about somebody’s else work, try to make your post look at least decent.

man your cool, can I be like you?

isn’t it annoying how whingers always get what they want, classic example ^^, why do we bother listening to them? as game designers it is our right to make our games any way we want, but we should always try and make them as good as we possibly can, to the best of our ability, after all if your game is good, people will buy it and pass around the fact that its good by word of mouth and then more people will buy it. i’m half inclined to totally rip off batmans combat system and fix all those stupid bugs, just to show them how rubbish their programmer is. and if you don’t believe me about my high scores, you can check out my ps4 profile and the dmc leaderboards my nickname on ps4 is matriculated.

actually here’s some proof if you don’t believe me about my high scores you only have to watch the first ten seconds.

seriously I could have done way better at batman if it had been programmed properly. In my opinion in a computer game you should be fighting the enemies, not the bugs.

Problem is I did not bother to read that wall of text. You could not bothered to format it for easier reading, so there is big chance you did not bother to think it all trough. Just some random complains.

There is also one thing to keep in mind: your manager that pushes you to do 24hour/7 day work. And Publisher that pushes your manager do do it all for yesterday and for free. So usually its not matter if that could be done, but rather would you do it in 2 months working 16 hours per day at underpaid position. Nobody cares at some point, you just code some ****, so you can say it is done, esp when you know that everybody will be optimized out just before release of game.

apparently your the one who didn’t think it trough, that’s a typical whinger attitude, you didn’t even bother to read it before you started complaining. lovely spelling by the way, you bloody Nazi.

Be careful with calling mod, nazi. You may just stepped over the line. I do nothing about it, but there may be others that are not as cool as me.

ok, you are a total hypocrite. first you complain about my wall of text, but your grammar is atrocious. it’s actually “you could not be bothered” and then “trough”, you are obviously the one who can’t be bothered to think it through before you open your mouth. you complain about a wall of text that you didn’t even bother to read, what’s your story man? are just an *** for no reason to everyone, or is it just me? and don’t get me started about jobs. those programmers are all really well paid, have good hours and brilliant working conditions. I find it laughable that I can program games better than them, that I’m unemployed, didn’t go to college, didn’t even finish school and to top it all I’m a bloody schizophrenic, who hears voices in his head, tormenting him every god **** minute of every god **** day. And I’m still better than them. so stop feeding everyone that rubbish. look how much work I accomplished in just a few months on my own game. and you are telling me some sob story about the poor idiots who can’t program, get real man.

what’s the point exactly in having a mod that doesn’t even bother to read peoples posts before starting fights with them and then trying to abuse his position by threatening me with a ban. do you honestly think I care if you ban me?

Just calm down, get walk outside, before you continue this.

I did not threaten yuo with ban, I wrote something exactly opposite.

So really calm down.

man I don’t think your thinking this trough, maybe you can’t bothered about it, I will get walk outside now, goodbye rubbish mod.

I’m confused. You seem to be having a go at some imaginary people? Who is the ‘you’ that you are referring to constantly?

In all honesty bud writing a big massive random rant about a batman game on an Epic related forum and having a go at someone no one knows who you are referring to makes you look a little bit mental…

I’ll never understand why idiots like this ^^ are always starting fights with me, what’s your problem man? jealous much? Nawrot is the person i’m talking to, isn’t it obvious just from looking at the page? are you blind moron? You are a such an idiot, why do idiots like you always try and start fights with me? seriously **** off, if you can’t contribute to the conversation, then get lost! you are confused, aren’t you? and I am mental so deal with it! seriously can’t you see Nawrot’s idiotic comments? maybe he hid them or something, in which case I apologise, but Nawrot is a ****ing spastic, can’t spell, his grammar is ****, doesn’t even bother to read your posts before picking fights with you and threatening you with bans. you hear me Nawrot, maybe your hiding your posts from everyone cause you realised what a ****ing idiot you looked like, ****ing dope.

Enough, I am locking this topic. Go take a walk, stop insulting people.