Hi guys,
in my current scene I am using the landscape grass types for scattering grass in my world.
Whenever I try to render this whole thing, obviously the grass needs some warm up time to recompute the grass maps.
To overcome this, I am using the warm up options of the movie settings and this works pretty well.
I have a lot of camera switches in my sequence, so the ‘Delay Before Shot Warm Up’ is the way to go. This works for one or two clips, but I have around ~60 sequences to render.
In order to solve this, I wrote a batch script and everything is rendering correctly - expect the grass. In the documentation of the batch rendering the “Delay Before Shot Warm Up” isn’t listed and now I have the problem to find this parameter. There are warm up parameters listed, but not the one I need
Hopefully you can help me!
Best regards,