I would like to rename a lot of data on UE4 at one go. Is there any way to do it?
There’s a plugin called MORT (Multiple Object Rename Tool) that’s indispensable for this.
The UE4’s Scripting the Editor using Python is the Unreal-way of batch renaming UE4 assets as it also rename the references properly.
After activating Python plugin, you can modify the following script:
Below is the script I used to rename all my animation assets under /Game/DynamicSwordAnimset/ with the ff. search/replace texts:
eqip to equip (case-sensitive)
Eqip to Equip (case-sensitive)
import unreal
asset_location = “/Game/DynamicSwordAnimset/”
rename_dict = {
“eqip”: “equip”
, “Eqip”: “Equip”
}with unreal.ScopedEditorTransaction(“Rename Script Transaction”) as trans:
for replace_key in rename_dict:
replace_with = rename_dict[replace_key]
unreal.log("* Replace: {} → {}".format(replace_key, replace_with))
asset_names = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.list_assets(asset_location)
for asset_name in asset_names:
if replace_key in asset_name:
new_name = asset_name.replace(replace_key, replace_with)
unreal.log(" Renaming {} into {}".format(asset_name, new_name))
unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.rename_asset(asset_name, new_name)
Just replace asset_location with the asset location you want the script to search recursively. Then replace the eqip and Eqip with the search/replace text you want.
Save the script anywhere (though preferrably store it in your /Game/Content/Python). Then bring up your console command in UE4 editor and type py {your-python-script-location}
You’ll get the output similar below:
LogPython: Renaming /Game/DynamicSwordAnimset/BlendSpaces/Idle_Eqip_BS.Idle_Eqip_BS into /Game/DynamicSwordAnimset/BlendSpaces/Idle_Equip_BS.Idle_Equip_BS
LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../../UE4_Projects/YourUE4Proj/Saved/Idle_Equip_BS8DFFE8D14C05571D78469CB80BC2E6C1.tmp' to '../../../../../../../UE4_Projects/YourUE4Proj/Content/DynamicSwordAnimset/BlendSpaces/Idle_Equip_BS.uasset'
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.55ms
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 1.25ms
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.51ms
LogPython: Renaming /Game/DynamicSwordAnimset/BlendSpaces/Walk_Eqip_BS.Walk_Eqip_BS into /Game/DynamicSwordAnimset/BlendSpaces/Walk_Equip_BS.Walk_Equip_BS
LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../../UE4_Projects/YourUE4Proj/Saved/Walk_Equip_BS3A1CB7584D3BACEC9B189ABEA2A93660.tmp' to '../../../../../../../UE4_Projects/YourUE4Proj/Content/DynamicSwordAnimset/BlendSpaces/Walk_Equip_BS.uasset'
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.50ms
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 1.17ms
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.76ms
LogPython: Done!
Thank you very much
Yep, thanks!
Multi-Objects Renaming tool (MORT) is a simple editor improvement that adds one often used function to automate editing of tons actors\objects names (except folders) in the World Outliner and Content Browser.
Waiting for boxing day.