Batch process metahuman performances

As the title says it’d be nice if one could batch process and export multiple metahuman performances.


This! I agree that batch processing the “process” function in the Metahuman Animator and the “prepare for performance function” in the Identity editor would really be 2 game changers.

I tried “…\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\MetaHuman\Content\Python\” to batch process the performances, but in practice it throws some errors and dies.
I am not familiar enough with coding and UE to fix it.

There is a user @CarlBerube or @CarlBerubeUBI that seems to be familiar with batch processing, but as far as I am concerned I am out of my depths as far as looking into UE’s python scripts is concerned.

I am sure it is relatively feasible with some scripting knowledge, but I get some sort “Nativize” errors, so I wonder if the script requires the assets to be prepared in some way or another.

LogPython: Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
LogPython: Error:   File "C:/UE/UE_5.4/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MetaHuman/Content/Python/", line 96, in <module>
LogPython: Error:     run()
LogPython: Error:   File "C:/UE/UE_5.4/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MetaHuman/Content/Python/", line 85, in run
LogPython: Error:     performance_asset = create_performance_asset(
LogPython: Error:                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
LogPython: Error:   File "C:/UE/UE_5.4/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/MetaHuman/Content/Python/", line 26, in create_performance_asset
LogPython: Error:     performance_asset.set_editor_property("Identity", identity_asset)
LogPython: Error: TypeError: MetaHumanPerformance: Failed to convert type 'SkeletalMesh' to property 'Identity' (ObjectProperty) for attribute 'Identity' on 'MetaHumanPerformance'
LogPython: Error:   TypeError: NativizeProperty: Cannot nativize 'SkeletalMesh' as 'Identity' (ObjectProperty)
LogPython: Error:     TypeError: NativizeObject: Cannot nativize 'SkeletalMesh' as 'Object' (allowed Class type: 'MetaHumanIdentity')