Batch change Reduction Settings for static mesh

I need to be able to batch edit the ‘percent triangles’ for hundreds of unique static meshes. I have looked in the ‘property matrix’ for this option, but am unable to figure out how to change these in masses.

Hey Keith,
I’m assuming that your intent here is to re-generate the LODs after you set that “percent triangles” value – basically pushing the Apply Changes button for all the assets.

In that case, you could use a Python or Blueprint editor script to run through the assets and re-generate the LODs programmatically. There’s a page in the docs that shows how to do this here:

I was able to do this using the first sample script on that page, changing the reduction settings to:

options.reduction_settings = [ unreal.EditorScriptingMeshReductionSettings(0.6, 1.0)

Basically you get a list of the assets you want to handle, and iterate through them. Your script loads each one in turn and re-generates its LODs, supplying the reduction percentage you want to use. Then you save each modified asset.

Hope that helps!

Hi Keith.

I’ve noticed that you have access to the UDN, our dedicated support site. Whereas this is the Answerhub, for community-based support.

For any future support needs, you will want to make sure that you are using the UDN instead, where Epic staff will be sure to see and respond to your post.


Thanks, I have read that page in the docs, but unsure where and how the script is implemented. I have tried the ‘execute python script’ option, but with no luck.


I believe I was able to get the script from the LOD page (Attached image) to work. I am assuming that was the script in reference to the answer to the original question…