basics for roleplay / hang out map

hey guys. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if it’s possible to remove the sixty second countdown timer at the start of the game (pre-lobby?). when it has finished I suddenly respawn in the map again. there is now also a timer counting up below the mini map which would also be good to remove. also in these initial sixty seconds it says ‘waiting for players to join’ - does this indicate that players can’t join after these sixty seconds? thanks

Hey olivia_flowers25,

Yes players can join anytime, in Island Settings

  • Join in Progress - Spawn, the players will spawn at spawnpads wherever set to Use as Island Start is on

The pre lobby time is set in Island Settings

  • Autostart, I think you need to keep it on and set the slider to 0.0
  • Game Start Countdown, can set to 0
  • Force Start at Max Players, can turn off

For the Timer below the minimap use a HUD Controller Device

  • Show Round Timer - No
    There may be a few more useful options in this device for you

perfect! thanks!

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