Basic tutorial - start chess

Hello I am Tefel,

I want to share with You my first Unreal Engine Tutorial. I am also working on strategy game Archeo. Hope You will like my project.

Tutorial link:

My website (blog and game official website):

Is anyone interested in this kind of tutorials? It is quite long but more complete imo.

why not? keep on tutorial. it’s nice, thankful.

Thank you very much.

I really like it because it is very clear.

This is amazing, thank you very much!

Yes really thanks for your tutorial :wink:

I’m making a chess based puzzle game so I am about to take a look, thank you. :smiley:

Of plenty of interest directly to me.


Awesome tutorial Tefel! I am going to have to give this a try later on in the day. Have you by chance added this tutorial and part 2 to our wiki page? You can find that here: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums. Thanks and have a great day!

Thank You for really good words! :slight_smile: I will keep making videos.

Do You guys see my tutorials? Soon I am going to add new materials. Stay tuned! :slight_smile:

Tefel your tut’s are awesome man, keep it up.

Here’s the vid I posted of it awhile ago when I did it.