My question is a pretty basic one, I’m just a bit confused about the difference between
TSubclassOf<class ASpell*> spell;
TSubObjectOf<class ASpell*> spell;
ASpell* spell;
and how those work.
I have a class named Spell with an inheritance from Actor.
in my Character class, I want to have a item of that class, and modify his attributes (damage, range…etc).
so in C++ I usually would do something like that:
ASpell* spell = new ASpell();
But here in unreal, I read about doing something like:
TSubclassOf<class ASpell*> spellQ;
spellQ = ASpell::StaticClass();
but that makes spellQ a Uclass item, that obviously can’t access to ASpell* functions.
Which way is the right one to create the item that I want? and how can I do it properly?
Thanks very much