Basic Inventory System?


I’ve been working on a fun little project recently (as a learning experience). I want to make an inventory system but, not like all of the others where you pick up an item and then add to the inventory. Basically, I want it to be set up so, when the player clicks a button in a widget it adds it to the inventory which is a seperate widget. If somebody could help me with this, that would be great!

bumping my thread c:

This actually sounds like basically all the inventory systems already out there. I would suggest following Unreal’s inventory tutorial on Youtube to get a basic idea of how inventories work. Once you understand it, adapting it to clicking a different widget shouldnt be hard at all. Also, if you check out the ARPG inventory system on the marketplace, they designed it so you loot bodies similar to how you would in WoW, where you click on a loot window to add inventory to your inventory.

Also, please give your thread more than 24 hours before bumping it. Many people may not be around everyday to check out every post and reply that fast.