Nice one , I want to ask you two question.
Did you use the skylight in your scene?
What quality setting did you use for the final build,Medium, high, or Production?
Using that settings is still rendering on 3 machines after last night, I am using Medium as final quality, maybe my scene is not optimized, but before modifying the *.ini in production quality and with portals on one machine was taking not more than 30 minutes.
Don’t use these settings as is it, these values are scene dependent. First try putting Portals, if still there are some area’s where you are getting uneven GI or Patches then only you need to adjust Baselightmass.ini. Increase those values incrementally.
FPS - above 120 with post pro on my normal 970 GTX
UV unwrapping workflow - Pelt Mapping for Furniture (or objects that demands it) and Steam Roller script for all other. It’s always a good idea to manually unwrap center piece objects for best performance and clean lightmaps.
Post Process - Will post snapshots soon.
I might share the project, but I don’t know if community is going to benefit from it. Nothing special here.
100% agree my friend, I was too lazy to correct their light maps. I completed this like a month ago and was not getting some free time to work on improvements. So I called it a day and posted. But soon will be revisiting it for video and VR presentation.
As I said, nothing special here. Maximum of the settings are scene dependent and one’s own taste of visualization. Hope it helps, my fellow comrades.**