Basic Enemy Patrol using Target Points

I’m turning to the community here because I cannot for the life of me find any guides or tutorials on how to do this one seemingly simple task. I have an enemy character that I want to have move back and forth between 2 target points. Below are images with what I have so far based off a tutorial I watched but they hooked things up for random patrol behavior and didn’t talk about how to have the character travel between specific points. I’d really appreciate the help.

There will be as many ways to accomplish this as there are blueprinters. Consider the following, see if it’s good enough:

  • a Pawn with a couple of arrows indicating patrol points:

  • if i drop it into the world, I get to choose where the patrol points are:

  • the end result:

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Hi! I would’ve replied sooner but I’ve just been a bit caught up. And your method looks like it would work perfectly for what I’m trying to acheive, thanks for the help!

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