I learned that from DomusLudus, and I also made questions about it, questions that were ignored. :mad:
Also, I’m positively surprised that you can do that with States too.
It’s ok. It still doesn’t make sense to mee
Yes! I want you to tell me exactly why it is working!
Hey I just removed the node, the Call Function of the Notify, and it still worked good. So the code needed to accomplish this, was in fact, simpler, than what we could imagine.
So long as the animation notify sets a random it will be fine.
Should the INT change during animation playback, the 2 states might end up blended.
That is why people above had you set that integer and check that it was set - you should still do that before allowing the transition into the random idle.
Animation Notifies, as I mentioned several times, Do not execute necessarily 100% of the time when you think they should. They are managed by the engine and linked to the frame rate.
This IS important if you are dealing with Mobile or any kind of scene that may drop below 10FPS or so.
To prevent the error, you can simply make sure that the default value for the integer is set to something - worse case scenario the same random idle will play over and over.
To prevent changes during playback, you may consider setting 2 variables instead of just one.
On every notify call, store the old value (set a new variable to the old one). then update the old one to the new random.
There is a possibility (because of random) that those 2 values may still be identical.
You need to decide how to handle that. If the state should be entered anyone while those 2 values are the same or not.
If not, then the next time the anim notify is fired a new int will likely be picked. preventing the same idle random while looping the same base idle over and over.