Barrier Device not able to make invisible in game

Hi there,
I recently picked up the UEFN and played around with it.

Pretty quickly I faced the issue that I can not make the Barrier Device invisible to the player, but it is stated like this in the official UEFN documentation.

I can not find the option: ‘Base Invisible In Game’ or something similar.

Does anyone know what is going wrong?

UEFN Version: 32.0
OS: Windows 10

You need to check that checkbox

Hi @im_a_lama thank you very much for your quick response.

But I do understand this parameter that it will be invisible to ignored player’s, meaning they can pass through the barrier right?

The capture the flag tutorial uses the barrier device to prevent the players from leaving the level bounds, which I also want to use it for, but the mentioned parameter in from the tutorial does not exist in version 32 of the UEFN.

This checkbox only syncs the visibility with the collision, by default ignored players will still see the barrier even if they can go through it, if you check the box it will also disappear on their screen

Thank you for your help, but that is not what I am looking for.

This tutorial talks about using the barrier device to confine the area the players are able to use.
In that tutorial the Base Visible During Game property is mentioned, which I can not find on the Barrier Device I’ve added to my project.

With your suggestion, making the barrier invisible to ignored players is not the right option, because I don’t want to ignore players from the barrier. All players have to be blocked by the barrier.

I mean sure I can just change the material to an invisible one I guess, but that seems to defeat the purpose right? Or is that the intended way in UEFN?

following are the details of the barrier device I can add to the scene in UEFN 32:

Ah ok sorry I didn’t understand you here, you need to swap the barrier material to Nothing, select the material dropdown and press Clear

FWIW, I had this problem with some existing barrier devices that were placed prior to the 32.00 update. Even though the Barrier Material was set to None, the diagonal red lined material was showing up in gameplay. I was able to fix it by setting a barrier material (to any available material), and then clearing it again. Version 32.00 must have had the material set as a default that wasn’t showing up in the Barrier Material editor field for older barrier devices.

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Thanks for your help. Indeed removing the barrier material makes it invisible … I don’t know why epic changed it, but yeah I guess it makes sense to just remove the material.

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