Barely any points appearing in e57 import

Hi all, 

I have a laser scan of a building (but no photos) I am trying to convert it into a series of 3D objects. I have run the point cloud through Autodesk Recap Pro to create smaller room sections (as I can only handle so many clouds at once in the Steam version of CR). When I bring in one room to CR and align, there are barely any points visible at all - I would say less than 10%. However, as a test I imported the same file to Cloud Compare and they are all there.

I am trying to learn more about point clouds as I have a project starting that will capture a small building using a combination of Laser scan data and photogrammetry and I am trying to get my head around all this.

I ran “align” on the default settings and you can see the result below. Please note, at this stage this scene has NO photos I am just trying to build and mesh a point cloud (if that is even possible). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cloud Compare looks good:

CR point cloud is almost empty:

Being inspected in a support ticket.

Did this ever get resolved?  I am having the same issue.  In CloudCompare the entire point cloud data shows, but when I bring it into Reality Capture It doesn’t not show all the scan data.

Being inspected in a support ticket.