Testing the new Tools and UE4 Shaders from Reallusion , thats the result :)
That’s great StyleMarshal! Hilarious and really good art direction. You’re using the Reallusion iClone Live-Link so I think you may be able to answer this. How does the Reallusion iClone Live Link work in comparison to the Unreal Engine Live Link Face that you can download from the iTunes store for free? Is the Reallusion version worth the expense of purchasing iClone 7 & 3DXchange 7 Pipeline to qualify for the indie license? Do you feel that Reallusion is overall worth the money? Hidden expenses? Limitations?
Thank you , JoeGideon79 Sorry for my late answer. For me the RL Live-Face works great over direct Ethernet. Didn’t test the UE Live-Link Face yet with my CC3 Characters cause you have to do a renaming blueprint and I was to lazy for that
But Matt Workman from Cinematography Database is testing it on his YouTube Channel : Cinematography Database - YouTube
The cool thing is that you can tweak your facials over the UE4 Curves.
I am very happy with the Reallusion to UE4 Pipeline , it is working fine and the shaders are looking great. I don’t compile games , so I can’t tell you about license.
Here is a little ShowCase I’ve done with the Reallusion to UE4 Pipeline :
Hi StyleMarshal - thanks for the thoughtful response! I will check out the video.
By the way, your reel looks great! Really cool
Wow, they all look soooooooooooo good!
Beautiful characters with beautiful arts with awesome reactions. Really well made