Banned from Fortnite Creative discord server for showing proof of another member being racist

I was banned today for literally showing proof of another memeber insulting me thru private messages (to avoid getting banned on the server). I tried appealing but got denied.

The interaction went like this, i was making my map and ocasionally answering peoples questions in the #uefn-advice channel, this member asked a question (something about teleporting all the players to different places at the same time), then when i answered his question he and it turned out that he doesnt understand event the most basic things about UEFN so i advised him to watch a couple of youtube tutorials about UEFN basics. Some time later he sent a message on the server telling me to check my DMs, turns out he sent me this:

After I saw this i screenshoted the message and sent it in the same discord channel and asked “racism is bannable on this server right?”

Then i got banned:

BTW He is still not banned (i asked my friend who is in the server to check)!

Welcome to Discord, unfortunately. You might get better results if you filed an ticket with Epic and hope that they’ll believe you

like the normal epic games support page?

I’m not entirely sure, to be honest. I never had to deal with this stuff

If no moderator from epic will see this post soon im gonna email them or something, because it’s really annoying being banned, it’s so much easier to make maps when you can chat with other ppl and help each other out.