We have a big problem of plenty of marketplace creators abusing and manipulating the review system by placing asset elements exclusively in their discord server.
This forces buyers to write unfounded 5 stars reviews with their Discord IDs. Only to get access to an asset element, they should get directly in UE marketplace.
This results in:
- having large amount of assets with non-objective & fake 5-star ratings.
- misleading customers in their buying decision & complicating getting the necessary info about an asset
- forcing customers to do unneeded steps to get the full asset through a 3rd party platform
- anti-competitive practices against other marketplace vendors, who are honest and transparent towards their customers.
- new creators put extra stuff into their discord to rapidly farm 5-star reviews to visually stand better against other assets on the marketplace
The entire sense and purpose of Reviews gets lost.
We must guard the review system for what it is designed for, and put an end to the discord verification Apocalypse.
- NO
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