Ball rolling and wall hitting sound

Hi developers,
I am trying to make a ball making rolling sound while moving the platform under it, so I get an idea if I could know the velocity that the ball(actor) is moving with it and set if it is more than one, I will make this sound but sadly I have no idea if I could get the speed that the actor is moving with any help :smiley:


Also if one has any idea how to make on hitting the wall sound.

You’ll get answers to stuff like this and more if you try out some of the project tutorials in the unreal learn area. that’s a great way to get started.

Thanks for your effort
I think also something like that also works
Screenshot 2022-08-25 130457

first, you put trigger boxes around the sphere like in the previous picture
second, put a trigger box on the ground, and when the trigger box overlaps play the sound