Ball passes through floor 50% of time. CCD causes it to stick after a bounce or 2. UE5

Hey there.

So Ive got an issue that I cant really work out.
My golfball phases through the ground 50% of the time. Assumably due to the collision checks.

So I smash on CCD to continuoisly check but it causes the ball to come to a screetching halt after a bounce or 2 and then resumes alot slower after 5 seconds or so.

It says the ball is moving still according to my speedos during the sticking but the distance does stop during and resumes after.

Anyone got any ideas? Its brought my progress to a screetching halt for week or so now.

You have to give us more details :slight_smile:
How does the blueprint for your golfball look like? Mesh settings? Collision settings?
What about the ground? From a template within the engine? Selfmade?
Any physics materials?

Try project settings → physics section → max contact offset.

Lowering the number may help.

So interestingly I changed the max delta substep time to minimum 0.0013 and its working fine now. I need to look more into why this is the case but it seems to have fixed it perfectly.

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