I created a very simple blueprint project. Where i only created a new game mode for my level and set the default pawn to my character. In the character I added a sphere, which should spin when I press the space bar. I tryed to achive this by adding to the capsule component a force. The problem is that after the ball reaches a certain velocity it starts to spinning extremly fast. How can I achive the ball to spins nice and smooth?
One way you could do it is.
Timeline: you could either do a Float Track or a Vector Track
Float track: you create a Float track add 2 points have one at 0 0 next one you have at the amount of time out want and den 360 the lower the second number the faster the spin have it on loop also.
Vector Track: you create a Vector track and on z add 2 points make first one at 0 0 and next is the amount of time you want an on second one put 360
plug either of these methods up to a set actor rotation