Ball appears and I can't move actor during Play

Okay, so I’m new to UE4 and game development in general but I feel that I can usually comprehend a problem and solve it fairly easily.
This time however I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. I imported a model into my level, added a character controller and a camera actor, and attached the controller and camera to the model.
I set the inputs in my preferences to the WASD keys and pressed play.

The camera went to the proper position and everything, but when I use the WASD keys it moves a texture ball around without moving the camera or the player.
I have searched for about three hours on a fix to this but I can’t seem to find anyone having the same problem nor can I find out how to fix it myself.

What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!

I should add that I have set up blueprints so that when the game starts it switches to the camera actor.

Add a player start and make sure that you use the right game mode in the world properties :slight_smile: