Control Rig is pretty amazing stuff - is there anyway to bake an animation into control keys?
EG I have a walk cycle I want to modify - would like to bake the IK arms into keys and then modify them
Control Rig is pretty amazing stuff - is there anyway to bake an animation into control keys?
EG I have a walk cycle I want to modify - would like to bake the IK arms into keys and then modify them
This link
Towards the end, he shows how to save to an animation sequence from sequencer.
Just to clarify - you can make an animation from sequencer by right-clicking skeletal mesh and selecting create animation asset.
But what I am looking for is actually a different thing. I want to use an animation to set or bake the Control Rig effector keys in sequencer ( and then modify only the ones I want to change).
Same question. About baking anim sequence to Rig controls. Is it possible?
Its amazing how far this has come in the last year
Basically what I did for my blender plugin on steroids… seems to have the exact same issues and missing controls though.
I have baking many animations to Control Rig and UE Mannequin, but never seen missing rig controls after baking.
Missing as in you don’t even know they aren’t there until one day when you need them.
Control rig needs to be set to Show Control Rig. Twirl down among the bones or check upper left control settings(?)
Hey! I’m having this issue with the missing control rig but can’t find where to set it to Show Control Rig. Does anyone know where to set it?
Add the metahuman to a master sequence, rather than a shot.
Then hit the refresh icon next to the Rig drop-down menu on the MH control rig picker.
It should work