Bad UV unwrapping

Hiya. I’m a new user and I’m having difficulty getting an object to unwrap properly.

Firstly, the UVs using default settings are extremely sub-par: and

If I adjust the settings in any way they get much worse and take up less than 5% of the available space.

The model isn’t anything over the top and RC did a good job of capturing the geometry:

What can I do to fix this? I can think of a way I can fix this after export but it’s not an ideal solution.

I’ve fixed it and I’d like to share how as I believe I’ve found an unwrapping bug.

The reconstruction area for my capture stretched below the ground plane. When I raised it to clip the bottom of the ground plane the UV usage immediately improved. Can this be fixed in a later version perhaps? Thanks!

Hello Justin,
you can improve texture utilization by decreasing texture resolution or decreasing texel size in unwrap tool settings.
Or you can follow these tips from lubenko: How to increase the percentage of texture utilization?

You can change unwrap algorithm in RECNOSTRUCTION tab/ settings/advanced/ Use Legacy Unwrap algorithm to true.

Hi Justin,

maybe you can add some screenshots where one can see what you mean?
And maybe some results of before and after?