I had a sequence of 54 aligned photos, was working on a separate sequence, which when growing its number of aligned photos caused the component with 54 photos to drop to 53. I deleted the new 53 photo component and got to work on joining the 54 component to the next. Note, the existing tie-ins in the 54 photo component continued to display very low residuals. When I added a new tie-in, the feature I chose in three photos - 2 registered and 1 I was working to stitch - triggered a red exclamation warning with a whopping 132.0 px residual. I deleted that group of tie-ins and found another equally strong feature, again the red exclamation point and now 100.0 residuals on the two registered photos.
Is there a way to nuke all the automatic features for a selected group of images to wipe the slate clean?